Tell me more, tell me more...
Between Two Worlds Day 4This 40-day Lenten conversation is a sacred unfolding. I don't know where we will end up nor do I have a plan that looks ahead more than 24 hours.After reading the blog comments today a little ditty started playing in my head (you know what I mean where a song just pops up for what seems like no apparent reason). "Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more" from the movie Grease started annoying me. But there was a reason.I whined out loud at the end my post yesterday about wanting to be with people where I could share more of the books and thoughts that make my soul sing. Two of you ended your comments saying,"You do have a place, Brian, where you can use your other books. We are here, and man, do we need you!"and"Yes, we do need you Brian and look forward to your sharing! Thank you for reaching out to a hungry group."I want to hear more. I have known your hunger intuitively for years. As I shared two days ago, in 1993 I felt that there were probably hundreds of people in the Northern California community where I was serving who needed to hear a traditional pastor utter the words mythology. I was right and the church got more than it bargained for when dozens of people showed up. In Portland I started a "Movies and Meaning" meetup group and enjoyed five years of monthly films and conversations with a regular group of people who were Buddhists, spiritual but not religious, Christian humanists, agnostics, and progressive Catholics. We explored religious themes, spirituality philosophy, culture and even politics."Man, do we need you!" and "We are a hungry group," you called out. These words made me feel good and confirmed what I already knew inside, but needed reminding.I am a Presbyterian pastor and Presbyterians are deeply imbued with a sense of call. One of the things you may not know is that in the Presbyterian tradition you don't get ordained just because you graduate from seminary and pass your ordination exams. You can do all that, spend eight years of your young adult life and tens of thousands of dollars, but if a church or a hospital or some religious entity doesn't hire you, there is no ordination. You may think you are hearing God's voice, but without confirmation by the community, it is assumed that you are just hearing voices!
Which is why that little ditty started playing, "Tell me more, tell me more." My inner God voice has pestered me with this for nearly twenty years. I feel this call. You are telling me that you are hungry. All the elements are there. Frederick Buechner says, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." I think we have the right mix. My gladness and passion are apparent and you are expressing your hunger. All that is missing is the form.So, tell me more, tell me more, tell me more.What is this hunger you have?How can I serve you?What might this look like?Following, following the breadcrumbs to something rich, something sacred.