Wonder and Wondering...

Mystic Mondays         January 23, 2017

"Without wonder there is little depth of presence."

This is the line I read a few days ago from John O'Donohue's book Eternal Echoes, the book I am currently using for my morning meditation time. I immediately stopped reading. The line spoke a truth I had not pondered before. But I knew immediately that it spoke a truth that I was ready to hear. It has been swirling around in my head and heart for nearly a full week now.But I have a confession to make. I made five full attempts to write about this quote--each time with little success. I couldn't figure out what the block was. I would write, delete, write again, delete, etc. Finally it hit me. I was trying to put to words and define and unravel this quote as if my words would bring it to life. I was taking the topic of wonder and writing the wonder right out of it. It was as if I had dissected and parsed the word mystery until I had wrung out and squeezed all the mystery right out of it.So today I am just going to leave you with the same questions that I have been pondering all week, but haven't given any succinct answers. This has been a week-long meditation that instead of resolving itself neatly has rather become broader and fallen deeper into my soul each day.Here are my questions:

  • When you are with friends and family do you look at them through the  eyes of wonder?
  • Is the world already solved for you or is there room for a lifetime of curiosity and discovery?
  • Do you see people as predictable personality types or as abstract works of art that have many possible meanings?
  • Are you comfortable living life with ambiguity and uncertainty?
  • Do you feel the need to solve life's challenges or is it possible to embrace challenges as friends?
  • Are you comfortable living into the Mystery of it all without any assurances?

Maybe next week I'll have more to say (or maybe not).Until then I am still pondering and wondering...


Drum, Dance and Sing!


January 21-March or Mountains?