Whispers from the Camino: Where to Serve
I had nearly eight hours on the train which led to a rich time of reflection. One question surfaced almost immediately. It was “Where can I best serve?”
The Path Ahead
THE BIG LAUNCH—If all goes the way I am imagining it, I will take the months of May, June, July of next year to cycle the 4,100 miles of the Lewis and Clark Trail building the momentum for putting a pilgrimage infrastructure on this route.
What the Hell is Water?
Two little fish are swimming and an older fish swims up and says, “Morning kids. How’s the water?” The two fish look at each other and one says to the other, “What the hell is water?” What world are we swimming in that we are blind to?
The 6-Month Plan
My soul seems called to something I might name as “nurturing a pilgrimage culture.” There is a lot I don’t know about what that means yet, but two pieces are quite clear to me.